Saturday, December 16, 2006

Big day for LeStorigo

1216 Morning before o-chem final
I talked to Tina and David about announcing the existence of this Lego blog of mine, and Tina, the week-long exclusive audience, was quick in posting a message on (almost) every post on this blog.
The announcement was smooth, spanning my Facebook, MSN messenger, MySpace, and my Wretch.

Afternoon after o-chem final
Excitedly checked for new visitors. No new comments. Oh well, you guys are either all busy studying or busy partying. Nothing to feel so disappointed about.
Tried a thing called AutionSniper or something. This thing works as follows: At the last seconds of bidding, this tool automatically bids for me. Whoever was waiting to win the auction, assuming that my bid is higher than his, of course, will watch me win at the final seconds and not have time to outbid me again. So to try out this new toy, I set it to snipe an auction of 12 minifigs and an alligator at $15 US.

Same night
After a celebration dinner and movie, I checked and found out that the sniper worked. At the last 3 seconds of bidding, I outbid that whoever by 50 cents and won the auction at $13.50. Now I don't know whether to celebrate for winning or not, because that means I am overspending. AGAIN!
Still no new comments. Added a site counter thing that records the statistics of this blog. To measure my new-found publicity, you see.

1 comment:

DavidS said...

Muahaha! first response for this post.

Well, indeed, like a lot of people, I have been murdered by the immense pressure of organic chemistry for the past few days. I believe you talked about posting the link this morning? here I am, at 11:50, it's still the same day when you publicize your link, so it's all good.

This is the first post I see, and I'm going to actually check out what you have been doing with my camera lately..better be good!

- David