Monday, December 25, 2006

This story has a kick-ass ending

The sole purpose of this story is to show-case the Creation that took place in the past few weeks. Hence, it may seem completely pointless and random, but it has a kick-ass ending.

Chapter One: Castle of Desires

Once upon a time, the mysterious Castle of Desires stood majestically in the Plain of All Hopes.
built by Billy
Since the beginning of time, as legends went, the Castle was guarded by three faceless knights.
Behind the three knights, no one knew what was in the castle. People believed that who ever set foot into the Castle would find his deepest desires come true.

Such temptation attracted much ill-meaning visitors. Among which came a ship full of ruthless pirates.

built by Billy
This is the "Twin-knife" Twinniff, the best and most arrogant fighter of them all.
The "Long-gun" Logan, who takes pride in his weapon of brute force.
And of course, Captain Goghtee, the merciless leader of the pirates.

The seven pirates arrived at the foot of the Castle of Desires. The pirates shouted in excitement.
"They are out-numbered three to seven!"
"Captain Goghtee does not even have to get off the boat!"
"I alone can handle three guards," said Twinniff.
"Watch me blow their heads off from here!" said Logan. The faceless knights watched the approaching pirates in silence.
A gory blood shed was about to take place...

... to be continued (not kick-ass yet)

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