Chapter One: Castle of Desires
Chapter Two: Death of Seven Pirates
Chapter Three: Face of the Faceless Guard
One hundred years later...
"Hu hoo..."
Are they still after me?
I must find a place to hide...
An exhausted man ran into view with immense paranoia.
What's this?
He saw something parculiar under a pile of leaves.
A pirate's hat?
Aha! Weapons!
The man quickly removed some leaves. Several ancient abandoned weapons revealed.
"Yargh! Run for mercy!" The man put on the hat and picked up a sword.
Only if these fire arms were 100 years newer... he thought to himself.
As he played around with the new weapons, a row of headless bodies appeared!
"Argh!" the man screamed.
"Don't fear us, but fear the place you are about to go..." the headless Captain said in a gloomy voice.
"Stay back!" The man swung the sword at the headless Captain. Air was all that he hit.
"Holy ****!!" The man screamed even louder than before, and he took off in a flight.
"... poor soul..." the headless Captain said with a sigh.

A few minutes later.
A team of sharp-looking cops arrived after the escaped man.
"Wow, he's quite a runner!" A cop said.
"How's everyone doing?"
"Ha ha... what now, do you want a coffee break again?"
The cops laughed.
"Nah, let's catch this filth and go home."
"Agreed. Been playing with this one too long."
The cops drove pass the pirates' weapons, heading towards...?

"Ha... ha... hoo... hoo..." The man's adrenaline surge died down after some vigorous running.
Where am I? A building. A Castle?
Who cares, it's a good place to hide.
The man went in...
without taking time to notice the heads...
...of the ancient preys of Castle of Desires.
After some loud screeches of breaking,
the cops arrived at the Castle soon after the man.
"Well, gentlemen, I think this is it."
"Hold down guys, I can't get the helmet off my hand."
"Hmm, this Castle looks funny..."

And out of nowhere, three Faceless Guards appeared!
"What the...!?" A cop was taken aback, and then
he started to laugh.
"Ha, ha, ha...! The Castle of Desires! How long have we been trying to find you!"
These aren't ordinary cops; they are the Price Hunters.
They pursue the most wanted criminals, fight the most dangerous battles as mercenaries, but their ultimate goal, is the legendary treasures like the Castle of Desires.
"Let me show you my toy..." The Price Hunter smiled as he pulled out a massive hand-held cannon.
His smile and his cannon were equally menacing!
The other Price Hunters pulled out their weapons as well.
What an excitement for them to finally find the legendary Castle of Desires!
"Ha, ha, ha... rock 'n' roll!"
"Oh, I got it! Stupid helmet..."
"Behold, the Sword of Fire..."

"Wahahaha! Play time!"
And the stage is set for a timeless battle!

Facing these professional enemies, both of the Left Guard and the Right Guard launched their attack with lightening speed.
But this time, the high-power machine guns proved to be fast enough to stop the Right Guard.
The Price Hunter pointed his spears at the weakest spots of the Left Guard, forcing the Guard to abruptly freeze his attack.
Both Guards had their attack disrupted, and they knew it was time for some real fights!
"I guess it's three on one here, too bad for you."
The two monster cannons fired at the same time.
Two blinding neon laser beams stroke the Middle Guard square in the chest!
"Huh?" "Where's...?"
Was he evaporated by the ultra cannons?
"What the hell!?"
With countless spiraling slices, the Hunters were hunted.

"Chongchongchongchong!!!" The machine guns spit out thousands of deadly bullets per second.
"Why don't you die!?" The Hunter shouted.
Suddenly, a circle of Guards appeared above the Hunter's head, and attacks seemed to descend from every direction!
And then the bullets stopped.

The Left Guard miraculously stopped his attack in mid-air to avoid an attack on his weak spots, but he didn't expect the Hunter to fire his spears like bullets!
The helmet of the Guard was stroke off!
The Faceless Left Guard did a 360 spin, and, oh Lord, he showed his concealed face!
Oh, what face did I see!
The Hunter fell to the ground.
That face... that face...
The Hunter kept thinking, until the world in front of his eyes went black.

The Left Guard picked up his helmet. The three guards looked at the bodies of their enemy in silence.
And the Castle of Desires was kept untouched.

Or was it?
"What in the world just happened?!" The escaped man watch the entire fight behind the Castle's gate.
"And what is this?"

Chapter Two: Death of Seven Pirates
Chapter Three: Face of the Faceless Guard
One hundred years later...
"Hu hoo..."

What's this?
He saw something parculiar under a pile of leaves.

Only if these fire arms were 100 years newer... he thought to himself.

"Argh!" the man screamed.

"Stay back!" The man swung the sword at the headless Captain. Air was all that he hit.

A few minutes later.
A team of sharp-looking cops arrived after the escaped man.

"Ha ha... what now, do you want a coffee break again?"
The cops laughed.
"Nah, let's catch this filth and go home."
"Agreed. Been playing with this one too long."

"Ha... ha... hoo... hoo..." The man's adrenaline surge died down after some vigorous running.

The man went in...

After some loud screeches of breaking,

And out of nowhere, three Faceless Guards appeared!

They pursue the most wanted criminals, fight the most dangerous battles as mercenaries, but their ultimate goal, is the legendary treasures like the Castle of Desires.
"Let me show you my toy..." The Price Hunter smiled as he pulled out a massive hand-held cannon.

What an excitement for them to finally find the legendary Castle of Desires!

"Wahahaha! Play time!"
And the stage is set for a timeless battle!

Facing these professional enemies, both of the Left Guard and the Right Guard launched their attack with lightening speed.


"I guess it's three on one here, too bad for you."

Two blinding neon laser beams stroke the Middle Guard square in the chest!



"Chongchongchongchong!!!" The machine guns spit out thousands of deadly bullets per second.
"Why don't you die!?" The Hunter shouted.


The Left Guard miraculously stopped his attack in mid-air to avoid an attack on his weak spots, but he didn't expect the Hunter to fire his spears like bullets!

The helmet of the Guard was stroke off!

The Hunter kept thinking, until the world in front of his eyes went black.

The Left Guard picked up his helmet. The three guards looked at the bodies of their enemy in silence.

Or was it?
"What in the world just happened?!" The escaped man watch the entire fight behind the Castle's gate.
... to be continued
Holy Crow! How much time did you spend on this??? LeStorigo is looking really awesome!
haha... the circle-in-the-sky animation took me about 3 hours, uploading all these pictures and putting them in the right order took about 1 hour, and the actual story telling was less than half an hour I think.
It's all fun times if you enjoy it;)
Erica the Cool says:
i really liked the 2nd animation thinger..the one that took u 3 hours i think?
the cops look sooooooo cute with their helmets n motorcycles!!
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