Monday, December 25, 2006

A story with kick-ass ending Chapter 2

Chapter One: Castle of Desires

Chapter Two: Death of Seven Pirates

The seven pirates got off the boat and shouted at the guards.
"Surrender, and we will make your death painless!"
Twin-knife Twinniff jumped into midair, eager to make the first kill.
He has heard much about the skills of the guards of Castle of Desire, so right off the bat he launched his most deadly attack.
"Which of you wants to die first?" Twinniff yelled.
Without a word, the Middle Guard rose his spear.
Suddenly, the Left Guard jumped forward with such a great speed that it seemed like he flew!
Twinniff has never seen an enemy move so fast, and before he can react......the Guard has gone pass him.
"... the..."
"... bloody..."
The Guard landed,
and Twinniff was killed with one strike!

The Guard turned to face the remaining pirates.
He rose his sword, and all of the pirates' spines went numb.
The best fighter among them was killed, and they didn't even know how!
"Just blow his head off!"
Long-gun Logan had enough courage to shout.
Every pirate with a fire arm fired at once.
"Baaaaaaaaaaaam!" Poisonous smoke. Deafening bangs.
But the Guard remained standing.
The Guard slowly rose his sword in response to the intruders' fire, and the pirates barely had time to blink before what was about to happen happened!

[click to see animation]

Everyone but the Captain was killed.
The Captain didn't even have time to fear! The Guard turned around slowly.
Captain Goghtee was now so overwhelmed with fear, he couldn't put his weapons down.
Experience told him that it was too late to escape.
Too late to even beg for mercy.
So he stood there, and watched the Guard fly pass him.
No pain?
It must be because the cut was so fast and so clean.
The Captain thought as he fell onto the ground.

The Guard went back to his post in front of Castle of Desires.
All the while, the other two Guards didn't even move a finger.
[Fade out.]

... to be continued

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha billy you are sooofunny! i LOVED the animation!!! can't wait to see the rest =) ~jacinta