Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Oh uh...

I am getting more and more addicted to eBay. This is not necessarily a good thing. I keep seeing the cutest Lego stuff, like Dumbledore and spacemen and an oh-my-god collection of werewolf, Dracula, mummy, and ghost. I didn't win these bids, sigh.

I think I've exceeded the $30/week limit this morning when I bid on 3 Japanese Lego figures. A samurai, a ninja, and a cool looking dude. Spent $10 on these, with $4 shipping. The catch is, the shipping cost of each additional item is only $0.50! How can I stop here?
So I told myself, calm down, it's ok. Just one or two more small items of less than $10, then you will not exceed your limit too much. And take a break next week and don't bid on any more things. Cuz really, I should visit garage sales and buy Lego by the boxes, not by the pound on eBay.
But there are still so many seemingly good deals out there! I keep telling myself, the price I buy these things at will be the price that I can sell these things at too. And perhaps with a little business tweaking, I can even sell them at a higher price. That's it, this is just an investment, not a crazy big-boy spending spree. Right? Ha ha ha, I had to laugh at myself.


TinA said...

Hope you get rich soon!

DavidS said...

Psychologically are committing yourself in a monetary addiction so called "long-term investment syndrome" that cause you to spending lots of money on something and keeping it at the end.