Figure: The week-one traffic record of lestorigo.blogspot.com as recorded by sitemeter.com. "Visits" represents the number of unique visitors on that day, and "Page Views" indicates how many times the blog is entered by these visitors. In other words, a visitor can only increase the "Visit" count once per day, but s/he can increase the "Page Views" count as many times as s/he refreshes the browser.
As shown in the figure, there are two significant peaks over the past week. The first one occurred on Monday, December 18th, and the second one occurred on Friday, December 22nd.
The first peak is believed to be due to my efforts in advertising for this blog on Saturday, which coincides the conclusion of most of my friends' exams. The combined effect is the steady increase over the 2-day period. Note that the number on Friday and Saturday are not accurate, because the site meter was installed on late Saturday night, so the seemingly steady increase of visitor traffic from Friday to Sunday is misleading.
After the peak of 20 visitors on Monday and three days after the public announcement of LeStorigo, the visitor traffic diminished. Some half a dozen regular visitors (one of which is me) maintained the traffic flow.
On Thursday, Tina joined as a co-author and publicized LeStorigo on Friday, which leads to the second peak of 25 visitors and a staggering 85 page views. From the observation of the first peak, I predict that there will still be a large volume of traffic over the weekend, and the traffic will die down again after Sunday.
Let's find another way to cause another peak!
Let's find another way to cause another peak!
Haha... yes, peaks are fun!
I dunno if my predictions are going to work out though... cuz I forgot to take into consideration that you left your computer off most of today. We'll see ;)
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