Ladies and gentlemen, I. Spent. Again. But wait! Hear me out. This time I was seriously just doing my eBay Lego market research, and I stumbled across this amazing deal of 10 lb of Lego for $26US. Remember that I spent $9.99 on the first pound of lego.
Let's let the graph speak. If you would kindly examine the first figure, you will quickly see the expected positive correlation between Lego weight and total price. More Lego cost more money. Note that the seemingly ripped-off-ness of my first Lego purchase at $9.99 per pound follows the trend at the lighter-weight Lego packages, meaning I wasn't ripped off after all.

But please take a closer look at my most recent purchase at $26 for 10 pounds. Note how much lower it is compared to the neighboring dots. As my seller pointed out, I had a lucky win because the other 10lb shipment that he sold, was bidded at $56. Notice how this price fits the trend much more closely than my abnormally low $26.

Please take a look at the second figure. This graph shows the negative correlation between the unit price of Lego and the total weight. This is also expected, because as we buy larger packages, we usually get more discount. However, note that my abnormal $26 purchase is even lower than the 50lb purchase, which was sold at close to $180. This says that my more recent purchase was more economical than even the super size purchases.
Hence, my overspending after vowing not to overspend is justified.
Thank you for your attention.
You rock Billy! Go buy that Lego!!
Thanks Mack :)
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